Are Spare Tire Covers Necessary?

Are Spare Tire Covers Necessary?

There are a lot of vehicles that have the spare tire on the outside of the vehicle. It is common to see it on a Jeep Wrangler and some other Jeep vehicles. You’ll find it often on a camper van. We especially love the retro spare tire on the front of an old VW bus. It’s found on RV’s or travel trailers. And now some of the new Ford Broncos are flaunting the spare tire like many of the old vintage style broncos. Whether you drive a Jeep, Bronco, RV, travel trailer, camper, sprinter van, conversion van, or any other vehicle with the spare tire on the outside, it begs the question; Are spare tire covers necessary?

Now, we are a spare tire cover shop, so of course we will recommend a spare tire cover, but full transparency, there are a few important reasons you should consider covering up that spare tire.

1. Wear & Tear

If you keep your vehicle that has the spare tire in a garage you will get more life out of it and are not as susceptible to the breakdown from the elements. The sun’s UV rays and any weather can do a number to the rubber. It is something that is preventable with a spare tire cover. You will add time to the life of the tire when you cover it with a tire cover.

2. Theft Protection

Another important reason to consider a spare tire cover for your vehicle is to add an extra level of protection to the tire. Tires are expensive. And the larger the tire upgrade the more expensive they can be. This makes spare tires susceptible to theft. A high quality tire cover should come with or offer the option to manufacture it with a locking system. Usually an anti-theft grommet system. This can create an added level of protection to slow down anyone who is trying to steal your spare tire.

3. Add Your Vibe

The one thing people who own Jeeps, Broncos, RVs, etc. DO NOT lack is creativity and fun personality! While this important factor is not necessary, or is it? Adding your vibe to your ride is fun. It is like the finishing touches or the details that can make all the difference between good and great!

White Jeep with a white vinyl spare tire cover with a sunflower filled in as an American flag

Tire Covers Are Not Created Equally

It’s important to note that not all spare tire covers are created equal. When deciding what and where to get your tire covers from consider the material that is used and avoid one size fits most solutions.

If you want your tire to remain protected and you want the tire cover to hold up in the elements outside be sure the tire cover is a high quality, UV marine-grade vinyl. Double check that the inks being used are intended for wear and tear in the sun.

Additionally, a premium spare tire cover manufacturer will not sell a one size fits most product. They will manufacture your cover specifically for the size of your tire. The will even go beyond, for example, spare tire covers for Jeep, and request the exact dimensions. 

When you care about the details of a spare tire cover you are going to care about the way it looks when you drive around. Friends don’t let friends use spare tire covers that look like saggy bathing suit bottoms. For information on how to find the right tire size for your spare tire cover, check out more here.

Visual graphic showing the difference between a cheap marine corps spare tire cover and a high quality marine corps spare tire cover